onsdag den 14. april 2010

The Alchemist and Julius Caesar

"The "Alchemist" is a book we read in the beginning of the year. After we had read the book, we had to write an essay based on the character traits we could pick out from Santiago's actions and thoughts. Later that year, we had to do the same with Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar." The one written piece I am most proud of is my Julius Caesar essay because I feel that I have grown a lot since I had written about Santiago. I think that my writing has appropriate ideas that are tied to the subject I’m writing about. For example, in both the Alchemist and the Julius Caesar essay, I explain myself and why I used the notes and information I did. I also gave my audience an understanding about the novel and maybe some information that they did not get at. I could improve my writing, however, by putting in some more details and some more personal points of view so that my audience doesn’t have to guess what side of the argument I’m on.
I believe that my writing is organized because of the way I flow from one topic to the next. I always try to plan my writing from beginning to end, just like the story we had been reading. In the future, I might try to write my essays from the most interesting topic to the least.
I think that I wrote the Julius Caesar essay better than I did the Alchemist essay because I already had read some of that play before. I also think that Julius Caesar was a bit more pressured, which made me think about the quality of my writing, and not too much the length of it.
The SLR I think that I see most in my writing is reason critically because I have trouble choosing better synonyms for a word. I would think about 2 more words that are equally good, but then end up coming back to it to see which fits the content of my essay more.