mandag den 29. marts 2010

Sudan Collage Video

Thinking Creatively:
I had to use this SLR while I was making the collage and making my script for the imovie. For the collage itself, I wanted to use photos that were shocking, but not ones that would make one sick because I think that photos that are too "in your face" will not make people looking at it donate because they might feel that the people don't have a chance anyway and will think that they are wasting their money.

Reasoning Critically:
I had to reason with what photos I wanted to put on my collage and the message I wanted to get across to my audience.

Communicating Effectively:
I believe that my collage gives my audience the feeling that these people are in danger and are having really tough times, but they can still be saved. I didn't want to put in photos that were too dramatic or too many photos with smiling faces.

Living Ethically:
I think that my collage creates the feeling of empathy toward the people who went through the war because of the photos I had chosen and the words and phrases that I had chosen to put on it as well.

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